The latest MLS Stats are out and the news is good!  Frisco is one of the only major Collin County Cities with positive numbers across the board.  In Frisco the number of sales in March went up 6% over last year.  Better yet, sales prices are up 9% and days on the market for listings is down 18%. This is turning out to be a great Spring.  If you have been waiting for the market to turn around to buy or sell, this may be the time to make a move!

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By Sammy Gardner
You Don't Just Need "A Realtor", You Need a "Great Realtor"

This question comes up often from buyers who think they may be able to get a better deal if they go directly to a builder  or to a seller to  negotiate their own purchase.  They think that by eliminating a Realtor on their side, they can save the amount that would be due to the Realtor as compensation for representing them.   In today’s market, I completely understand the necessity of negotiating the lowest possible price for your home.   However, you should use caution before trying this.    Most real estate transactions today well exceed $100,000.   If you have a tax issue or a legal issue that involves this amount of money, it is doubtful that you would consider…

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